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Structured Performing Arts Course







Teacher: Dani Barrie

 Experience: Dani: 4+ years of classical voice and acting experience

 Creative Arts Director: Dani Barrie

    Does your little prodigy love music, but not know where to start? Exploring Music is an

8-Week beginner course designed for elementary school prodigies (ages 6-12) interested in diving into the world of music. At the end of this course, students will be able to : 

                  - Identify a C Major  scale, including scale degrees and so1fege hand signs   

                  - Identify rhythmic values

                  - Identify the different tempos that appear in music

                  - Identify the steps and skips as they appear in sheet music

                  - Identify dynamics and their markings

                  - Identify different rhythms 

                  - Identify chords, particularly I, IV, and V

                  - Identify instruments and classify their families

                  - Dictates rhythms and create their own rhythmic patterns

The cost of the 8-Week course includes course materials (Custom Exploring Music Workbook, Instrumental Rental Fees, and Certification of Completion). Flexible Payment plans are available. Discounts are available for military, teachers, and multiple siblings.

 Registration Fee: $5

 Payment Plans:

                  -Monthly: $48/Month (2 Installments) 

                               Includes all course materials listed

                  -Package: $80 (SAVINGS OF $16) 

                                Includes ENTIRE 8-Week Course and all course materials listed

Course Offerings: 

            Friday Evenings- 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm

                                 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm

Exploring Music with Ms. Dani

Male Teacher Playing Guitar
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